Concession and accommodation assessments are generally required by schools, education departments and the IEB when applying for learners to be granted the following concessions during examinations:

  • Extra time
  • A scribe (someone to write down their answers)
  • A reader (someone to read the exam paper for them)
  • Amanuensis (A person who reads and scribes for the learner)
  • Spelling concessions
  • Handwriting concessions (for learners who suffer from Dysgraphia)
  • Enlarged print
  • Use of a computer
  • Permission to take food / medication during the examination
  • Rest breaks
  • Separate venue
  • Permission to use special equipment

In order to qualify for a concession or accommodation learners need to have been assessed and to show at least average intellectual ability and a significant long-term learning disability which will compromise examination performance.