This assessment is essential in mesuring a learner/student’s strategies and recognize where their weaknes/trouble lies, if they are performing poorly without any cognitivie or neurological or diagnosed learning disabilities being present. These poor academic achievments and poor scholastic or testing results without an identified intellectual impairment being the root cause, or even if there is a specific lerning disability present, these poor results are caused by poor study skills, ineffective learning strategies, test anxiety or emotional distress caused by the process of learning and test taking impede academic success. And they often go unrecognized until a student is screened or placed in a remedial program.
The earlier an assessment is conducted (in other words, some-one takes the initiative to realize there is something other than intellectual impairment or plain laziness that is keeping this learner from performing well, regardless of how hard or for how long he tries to study), any weaknesses are addressed pro-actively--rather than waiting for repeated academic failures to determine that a student needs help.
After the assessment, the problem areas are identified and an appropriate intervention plan is put in place, and the individuals personal areas for development are rectified and the appropriate study skills, test taking approaches, comprehension or note taking issues, or even the possible presence of a specific learning disability is addressed and the learner is trained through a remedial therapy program that is specifically catered to illuminate all academic and test taking factors that are preventing the learner from achieving at his/her optimized level.